Christmas 2005

This year’s card consists of images from the art and prose of William Blake, the 18th Century artist and poet who we honor here as a great prophet of Gnosticism. William Blake of Great Briton was born in 1757, and went on to revive the spirit of the same creatively freethinking ancient religious movement that had preceded Christianity in Asia, which was known as Gnosticism. Over a thousand years after the Christianized Roman Empire burned the great Library of Alexandria to wipe the writings of Christianity’s rival religion of Gnosticism off the face of the Earth, along comes William Blake who in reaction to current trends of Christianity and the Deists, proceeded to write his own scriptures about his own God’s in the same spirit as the previously censored religious movement. William Blake was quoted as saying that he intended to create his own system in order to not be trapped by someone else’s. Within the art and writings of William Blake, mythological characters of god-like statures traverse a cosmology of his own making, which maps the paths between an eternal universe within that are made of imagination, and the reality emanating from it. For the sake of our card, we choose the Gods of William Blake named Urizen, Enitherman, Orc, and Albion to illustrate the prophetic narrative of this year’s card. Urizen is Blake’s creator God who enshrouds our world in the preconceptions of dogma and morality. Enithermon is the female Goddess who like Sophia of the lost Gnostic scriptures, gave birth to a demiurgical character who encapsulated the Creation under his new dominion. Blake’s demiurge child was named Orc, who represented the spirit of American Revolution at his time when America stood up to the established British Empire. For William Blake, Briton was presided over by a deity patterned after the giant Titan named Atlas of Greek mythos. This giant character of Blake’s book "Jerusalem", is called Albion who is the Father of the people of England according to the mythology of Blake. Blake’s God’s create our world, which he dutifully describes with all the divine authority accorded to the greats like Isaiah, and Muhammad. Blake was reacting to other contemporary thinkers like Swedenborg and Milton, who for William Blake were too concrete about things like predestination, and concepts like eternal punishment. Blake wrote the poem, "Marriage of Heaven and Hell", in reaction to establish a new doctrine based on the eternal nature of imagination where the sacraments of creativity lead our eternal counterparts toward our eventual destiny. Our eternal bodies of imagination experience our dreams and waking lives through death and rebirth to an eventual final judgment, which appears as necessary in the religion of Blake as it does for more Christian rivals. Blake wrote several books in a style comparable to Biblical Old Testament, where his prophecies regarding history were mirrored in the allegorical heavens of his imagination. Many 18th Century events such as King Edward III’s military endeavors in France, and the American Revolution are viewed through his religious stories as the result of the acts of his deities who preside over our manifested world. Our card this year attempts to incorporate Blake’s imaginative style into a narrative of today’s world where Blake’s characters seem to fit as comfortably as they did while Blake was painting pictures of them for illustrations in the books he self published along with his wife for most of his life.

For the margin of our card, a Celtic knot work interlace pattern is made out of the hair of Urizen who sits in a web of deceitful religion like the Gnostic Demiurge who created humanity and seeks to trap our preconceptions in a jealous web of his own dogma and rules of morality. Urizen represented this Gnostic ideal of a Jealous Jehovah-like God who divides the world between good and evil and wraps them all in the web of his limited ideals of morality. One who is evil is as trapped in Urizen’s morality, which has condemned him from an early Judeo-Christian upbringing, as is the good one who volunteers to a life of strict adherence to morality’s laws. They all are trapped in Urizen’s pretentious web. The braids of Urizen’s hair represent this on the card. Celtic interlace patterns were popular between the early Christian period and the seventh century C.E.. The style has been embraced in early Saxon and Scandinavian art. A group called the Picts in what is now Scotland and Northern England left these type of patterns behind on stone monuments. These patterns appear also in metalwork, textiles, carved stones, and illuminated manuscripts such as, "The Book of Kells", "Dyrrow", and "Lindisfarne". Early Saxon’s are believed to have used this knotwork style as a form of mnemonic devise like a written language. The word "spell" in English in fact means to write as well as to enchant, which has early Saxon origins going back to the times of these mystical interlace designs. Its been proposed by anthropologist, John Carqill, that a particular form of this knot work was used in Scotland to record musical scores. Celtic interlace patterns are probably an artistic contemplation of the complicated whole of creation seen as the embodiment of a single strand of essence. Following this margin leads the eye to the God Urizen who was probably named by Blake after the word "horizon", which allegorically represents the limits of our point of view.

Blake writes in his book, "The Four Zoas", "The Bulls of Luvah breathing fire

bellow on burning pastures round howling Orc whose awful limbs cast fourth

red smoke and fire. That Urizen approached not near, but took his seat on a

rock and ranged his books around him brooding envious over Orc."

Night the Seventh, Plate 77:16-19.

Our illustration of Urizen is from that scene in Blake’s Four Zoas. It is these books where Urizen writes his laws that are how Urizen can establish our limited horizon of a Judeo-Christian reality. With the line that divides and the words that limit objects to a definition, we have divided our world into our present mess. We’ve all been lured into the intellectual game of dividing people and points of view into liberal/conservative, right?/left?, us/them to the point where the true definitions of our labels have been blurred or make no sense at all. Lately the loud-mouth punditry of the media has been parading an opinion that our academic Universities and schools have too many "liberal" teachers and professors. These "liberals" influence students who are graduating into America’s black and white, 2-sided reality, which is ran like a football game. If by "liberal" they mean people open to different points of view who are not zealots to some political fad then maybe we want our schools to be ran by these "liberals." Another aspect of this so-called problem of too many liberals running our schools may be explained by a famous quote by John Stuard Mill, "It’s not that conservatives are stupid, but most stupid people are conservative". Actually the source of this problem is the original spell cast by the blurry definition of what "liberals" and "conservatives" really are. The word "liberal" basically translates as "free thinking." Who in this country doesn’t believe in being free? New ideas flutter to the true liberal mindset. An abundance of new ideas cannot be a bad thing for the institutions of higher learning. By the same token, today’s so-called conservatives, lately being pronounced, "Neo-con," don’t resemble anything close to a dictionary definition of conservative (ken sur’ ve tiv) adj. 1. disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., and to resist change. 2. cautious or moderate. 3. traditional in style or manner. 4. of political conservatism –n. 5. a conservative person. "Random House Dictionary." Aside from the political noun definition inserted for the sake of explaining today’s Orwellian doublespeak, by the definition of "conservative," Clinton’s moderate-obsessed Administration was more conservative then the Bush Administration with its unprecedented tax breaks for the rich during the times of an expensive reckless and illegal war. By the true definition of conservative, our Democrats digging in to preserve the current form of Social Security are more "conservative" then George Bush’s thinly veiled (how-stupid-do-you-now-think-Americans-are) plot to destroy the program. As for the problem of too many liberals in University’s is concerned, we can perhaps explain it in an understandable way by simply re-phrasing the problem without using the word "liberal," which has been abused now to the point of meaning nothing at all except perhaps "them." The real problem our right-wing blow-hard media may be complaining about is probably just that there are not enough ideological corporate-friendly neo-fascists running our universities today. In that light we now see that all this time we’ve been having a problem with something that isn’t really a problem at all. Perhaps the less ideological neo-fascists in charge, the better.

The demiurgic exploits of our media have lately been apologizing for reporting about Korans at Guantonomo Bay being flushed down the toilet. Violent protests occurred in Afghanistan and Pakistan after the now discredited, retracted, and apologized for Newsweek report. This event was just a little light escaping the fog of war in which we remain engulfed. For an instant we saw the true face of our current war policy over which more than a couple military policy makers have resigned in protest. It seems to frustrate the Neo-cons that they can not get this fog as thick as we got it in more naive times. On the card Urizen creates his own kind of fog with his hair where the children of Urizen flow forth in the style of William Blake. According to this year’s card, these children of Urizen represent modern Christians in their current emanations. These emanations flow across the top of the card to the other side where they are subjected to the fires of Orc who is the child of Enitharmon. "Judge not lest you be judged," are the biblical words of the Christian savior, yet a folly of modern Christianity (or more generally orthodox religion,) is that these belief systems cultivate divisive prejudices and bigotries leading to a distorted judgment. From these same pulpits come arguments that Iraq should be subdued because of 9/11. Our "Christian" President can’t leave the argument alone even though it’s the grosses act of old fashioned American bigotry since Jim Crow because it also can only be based on skin color and a similar religion. The state of Christianity in America is currently going spoiled in anti-Christian bigotry to defend a President more Christian in word than deed, and his illegal profiteering war downright orchestrating itself into a great holy war between Christianity and Islam. The new blood-thirsty form of Christianity in America recently offended the whole world when Pat Robinson, who founded the Christian Broadcasting Network, was speculating on his 700 Club program that we now have the capability of "taking out" elected Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez for our own greedy American interests, and that we should. The anti-Christian character flaw in today’s church goes even deeper than that in the form of the Christian Reconstructionist movement headed by Rousas J. Rushdoony. This movement to turn America into a bible-based theocracy complete with death penalties for adultery (probably just the women,) and homosexuality has endeared itself to the current Bush Administration. At the same time the Bush Administration has unexplained loyalties also to the Rev. Sun Yung Moon and his Moonies who’s cute female solicitors of donations are showing up more and more in our streets these days. The Reconstructionists have ties to Jack Abramoff who used to own Tom Delay, but currently is on his way under the carpet of scandal for illegal political activity. Very rich people own these Reconstructionists. Like the story of a camel having a better chance getting through an eye of a needle than a rich man getting in the Kingdom of Heaven, its hard to be sure our definition of Christian hasn’t also been blurred to the point where it means nothing, and those with the most greed in their hearts seem to be in control of the religion. Christianity is easy enough left to malfunction on its own hypocrisy, not being anything this writer belongs to. On the other hand, as far as America goes, that is a different concern. America, land of the free, home of the brave was intended to be a tolerant nation. How can a "melting pot" survive any other way? In order to be a free country you must be able to tolerate all kinds of different people. It’s sad to be compelled to make this point to Americans intelligent enough to be reading this. The Christian Reconstructionists movement promotes the lie that America was intended to be a Christian nation, which has gained a dangerous momentum these days. Any reader of America’s Constitution and writings of the forefather’s can only be a deluded Christian if he doesn’t think that America was originally intended to be a free country. Urizen on the card represents this religious obsession with mind control, of which we should all be proud to have separation from written right into our Constitution. Just consider the fact that Separation of Church and State was written by the same people who, according to defenders of the Christian nation theory, should never have put that in the Constitution because it really messed up the intended theocracy. Having Separation of Church and State removed from the Constitution is one of the Reconstructionists main agendas. Also to represent religious mind control this year is a newly appointed Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, Joseph Ratzinger. The new Pope Benedict is sure to be less charismatic then Pope John Paul, and already has a reputation for being more autocratic, and intolerant of new trends, which appeal to the modern world. The new Pope is said to prefer a smaller more traditional church to one including birth control and female priests. One conspicuous connection to mention exists regarding the new Pope in 1999 belonging to the board of a Swiss economic foundation for religious institutions called the Foundation for Interreligious and Intercultural Research and Dialogue, located in Geneva Switzerland. Also on the board of this same group was Neil Bush, brother of the current President and star of the Colorado Savings and Loan Scandal of his Father’s Presidency. No real scandal to report regarding this religious propaganda group and its two famous board members. Its mentioned as an example of how interconnected and related the different groups in power have become. The world has been consolidating and merging its way into something probably sure to resemble the New World Order spoken of cryptically by the first President Bush. On the other hand, Bush’s "New World Order" seems identical to a One World Government many interpreters of the Bible’s Book of Revelation live in fear of.

Currently we have all watched as those that were critical of Bush’s failing war policy have been fired and now make money on the I-told-you-so lecture circuit. At the same time the major war criminals in this mess are being promoted. Wolfowitz is now President of the World Bank while Gonzalaz, who wrote the controversial torture policy is Attorney General. Recently one who was instrumental in promoting false weapons of mass destruction lies to get us into this war, and also notorious for firing those who confronted him with the truth, John Bolton has been made Ambassador to the United Nations in a recess appointment because the Republican Congress couldn’t actually conscientiously endorse such an awful choice for an ambassador. Bush’s poll numbers are plummeting with nothing to hold them up but failure and favors to rich friends. This has turned out to be a train wreck of a Presidency, which no lie can sweeten regardless of incessant repetition. This has emboldened some and awoke many others. Recently the mother of a fallen American soldier in Iraq, has disrupted Bush’s record breaking vacation trip, by camping outside his Crawford Texas ranch seeking a meeting to ask him, what was the "noble cause" that our solders are dieing for. With all the changing and discredited reasons that have become common knowledge today, this seems like a legitimate question. It’s mind-blowing that there is controversy and debate over whether the President lied to start this war crime when for years the only reliable way to know what he’s up to is to reverse what comes out of his mouth. Like when he says, "no child left behind," "clear skies," or "compassionate conservative," and stuff like that. This war is so smothered in bullshit that the only thing we know for sure about our war mission is that they are not telling us the truth. Bush never came out to meet Cindy Sheehan since it obviously would have been much less scripted and stacked with sycophants, then what has long since become the standard for anything Bush appears at, and his reality bubble Presidency moves on from vacation to vacation just like his dad. How can this President sell suicide to this country without even having to try to make a compelling argument? Can bigotry, religiously controlled opinion, and ignorance really be that effective in dragging a democratic nation to its demise? The answers to these questions lie perhaps in the fact that terrorism has been very good for Bush. On the card, Enitharmon flees from her son Orc who dominates Albion and together they dominate the world. People like Cindy Sheehan are beginning to be emboldened and standing up to this upper class coup.

Recently many have come forward to voice what most of us have been thinking since 9/11. They are saying the World Trade Center went down in a controlled demolition. That points a finger right at the unthinkable point that saying "controlled demolition" is the same as saying, "inside job." On September 11, 2001 the janitor for floors on the World Trade Center was late for work and had to clock in at a downstairs office. While WTC janitor William Rodriquez was checking in just before the first plane hit the tower above, an explosion occurred in the basement below. The area of this explosion sounds similar to where the failed 1993 attempt to bring down the towers occurred, but the documentation that this information came from does not confirm that. William Rodriquez went to the area of the explosion and managed to save Felipe David who was burned in the basement explosion. Felipe David eventually recovered in a nearby hospital and William Rodriquez’s first hand eye witness 9/11 testimony has since been white washed by the 9/11 Commission report, which selectively sticks to facts that support the official story. That "official story" is as likely as a couple flies taking down a screen door. Inconsistencies with this official story have already filled volumes and even been the subject of one of these Christmas Cards (2002.) This year, to add to the pile of compelling evidence of a 9/11 inside job was another previously white-washed fact that a secret domestic intelligence operation called Able Danger had identified four 9/11 hijackers on American soil by mid-2000. This information was never given to agencies like the FBI to follow up and the operation was disbanded in February 2001, which Rush Limbaugh would have a hard time blaming on the Clinton Administration. Its been documented before that countries adjacent to Afghanistan were forewarned of the October 2001 bombing campaign July of the same year, as well as the "carpet of gold or carpet of bombs" threats made against the Taliban that August well before 9/11/2001. These Summer of 2001 facts have become so well established and numerous that the smoking gun regarding 9/11 probably lies plainly in the concealed facts of what the Bush Administration was up to that Summer with classified Taliban negotiations as well as Cheney’s Energy Task Force secrets. Other evidence of preplanning is found in how smooth the transfer of US forces from Saudi Arabia to Al Udeid AFB in Qatar went. The preparations in Qatar had obviously been hastily in motion since February 2001. It should also be pointed out that the removal of US troops from Saudi Arabia was a major concession to the enemy we all signed on against on September 12th 2001, Osama Bin Laden. That, along with Iraq becoming an Islamic theocracy should bring up valid questioning of just who’s side is Bush really on in our "War of Terrorism." Incompetence is no excuse! These concessions to the enemy show how flawed our war really is, and if Bush isn’t fighting for Al Qaeda then he can only admit to loosing to them or just that he’s an idiot. Prisoners of this war who are guilty of absolutely nothing are being subjected to torture and brain washing among other condemnable human rights violations for a strategy that has only delivered victory to an enemy becoming a hydra made originally of 19 alleged dark-skinned hijackers. So what are these Neo-cons really up to? I guess we can’t expect them to explain it to us. Bush’s problem in promoting a global war on terrorism is that aside from terrorism being an abstract concept like poverty, it’s also that in the beginning he only had a small group of thugs to work with as the enemy for this war. Prisoners are having mind control techniques applied by interrogators to make them into better enemies not unlike how America’s prison system makes criminals better criminals. We probably won’t find out officially about the war crimes our solders will have to live with until after the fog clears and it’s a few years after too late. Bush loyalists who have a knack for miss-using intelligence have taken over the CIA before our eyes. The more liberal professionals in the CIA are being thrown out of the Agency, or resigning in disgust, or being ruined by treasonous leaks to a press willing to be an accomplice in treason as in the Valerie Plame scandal. Its as if the CIA has been taken over by everything bad about the agency, while its useful task of intelligence gathering and delivering unbiased assessments to power has been removed and replaced with a mandate to lie and propagandize for Bush. Our CIA has become more like its rival the KGB in a change that is anything but conservative.

So what are they really up to? We should know that terrorism uses fear and panic to achieve political goals. So what does that make Bush as he uses fear and panic along with boldfaced lies to sell our Social Security out to Wall Street? Is that just Bush using an Al Qaeda technique to change Social Security? At the time of this writing, Social Security reform is silenced by the unexpected reaction of a population waking up hopefully in time to save themselves. Another bit of trivia that came to light this year is that the conspicuous flight that killed (MN) Democratic Senator Paul Wellstone right before the election in 2002, was copiloted by someone also trained in Norman OK along with some of the 9/11 hijackers, as well as Zacharias Mussoui. Don’t be surprised if more films become available of terrorists cutting off heads while congress votes to remake Social Security. Also, a court case exists in New York suing the Bush Administration for complicity in the 9/11 terrorist attack. Among witnesses in the case is Larry McNiven who was a Corporal in the US Army back in the 1970’s. He worked on a top secret operation that involved orchestrating a terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and bringing them down with controlled demolition. If terrorism is being used by Bush to sell us the swindle of Social security then how much more is terrorism being used on those beholden to power such as Senators and Congressmen. The unsolved case of government made anthrax being mailed to Democratic Senators and liberal media stars has yet to go anywhere, which is sending a message of intimidation to Democrat politicians who are already failing to shake off the image of being spineless flip-floppers. Senator Paul Wellstone had already been established as an exception to that rule. Something not-at-all-conservative is in the process of transforming our country in such a profound way it will stab the very soul of America in the back. Today (anti?)-Terrorism drills are being staged to figure out what to do in case of a terrorist catastrophe. The elaborate and realistic drills also seem to be good for conditioning regular people who see these "drills" without necessarily knowing that they are faked. Money for stunts like this was diverted away from real catastrophe relief to the bloated Gestapo of Homeland Security. One program that lost money this year was for reparations to the levees that were keeping the below sea level city of New Orleans above water. Now one of several Hurricane season storms has completely left the famous city under several feet of water while the surviving refugees are subject to military martial law with National Guard Troops who are provided with shoot to kill orders. Has this improvement in disaster relief made us all feel more secure? Too bad we have to spend so much money "rebuilding" an ungrateful Iraq when a similar effort of American tax dollars to clean up after this hurricane season would at least not be met by a well armed insurgency. Something terrible has been put into motion and we will not escape the consequences of our choices as a nation.

"Enitharmon nursed her fiery child in the dark

deeps sitting in darkness. Over her Los mornd

in anguish fierce. Coverd with gloom.

The fiery boy grew fed

by the milk of Enitharmon."

The Four Zoas: Night the Fifth

Plate 59:25-29.

On our card Enitharmon is fleeing in terror of her child creation who is now unleashed upon the world in fiery glory. We the American people are the emanation of Enitharmon in this prophecy who are sure to behold the consequences of what we have created. One emanation of this current "fiery glory" is found in the mind control devise known as television. Commercials more and more are using a format that is telling the viewer what they are thinking. That’s an obvious form of mind control conditioning. Television shows, more and more, embrace scenes of communities gathered together in local schools or churches to wait out a Homeland Security threat or catastrophe. Unfortunately people are also not getting sick and tired of the thinly veiled scenes extolling the virtues of torture as a means of extracting desired information, or just to feel good about the revenge to be savored once a bad guy is finally in your grip. America is being systematically destroyed from the inside out to situate what’s left of the country into some rich corporate elite’s New World Order scam. The idea that Islamofascists wage war on everything great about America is really a smoke screen projected on our obscure enemy to hide the fact that the Bush Administration with its ilk are the real ones waging war on everything great about America. It’s enough to instantly turn this "liberal" writer into a "conservative" without a single contradiction. America has to commit suicide as a country, and destroy its Constitution and individual rights before America can really shut this writer up and throw away the key. So Americans, is this 1-blog-a-year writer really worth it? Perhaps Americans really don’t mind writers who indulge the very American virtue of free speech.

Perhaps as far as Bush is concerned, it’s OK that we can never win in Iraq as long as corporations reconstructing the country and oil companies post record profits every year. Perhaps plan B is to bankrupt America anyway since "they" can own a bankrupt America and buy it at a dirt cheap price like they did with Russia. Billions of dollars are disappearing into Iraq with no end in site. NAFTA and its recently passed child CAFTA are part of deconstructing America to fit in a New World Order. Latin America is getting wise to these CAFTA, World Bank, and International Monetary Fund swindles, and has begun standing up to them. That is what the oil rich Venezuelan revolution for the poor is all about, which has so upset the Christian leader Pat Robertson who has long served both G-d and mammon. Meanwhile Bush steals from the poor and gives to the rich and diverts responsibility for the poor into the hands of religion so we can all feel good about giving less. Like the Afghanistan war orchestrated by our Neo-con class back in 1979 to bring down Soviet Russia, the Iraq war rages on, sure to teach America the true lesson of Vietnam again. We missed the point in Vietnam and now must learn again that might does not make right. These Neo-cons won’t be learning any lessons, however. The news just let out that in Basra during a September protest there was a conspicuous vehicle that caught the attention of local Iraqi police who stopped the vehicle only to find British Special Forces disguised as Arabs with a vehicle full of weapons and explosive devises. They had been shooting at the crowd and the police who apprehended them. The British army drove a tank into the local jail to rescue the British soldiers caught red handed impersonating an insurgency. No wonder its been discovered recently that car bombings in Iraq have been carried out with American made cars. Many captured insurgents also escaped when the British tank destroyed that jail. This probably explains why some of the reported "insurgent" attacks have seemed counterproductive, like the time US solders were giving local children candy only to gather them together to die when a suicide bomber struck. Iraq is furious about this British insurgent operation, but the American media doesn’t have much to say about it. What did make the news recently was controversy over the pulling of a feeding tube from Terry Schiavo who was brain dead for 15 years. This "culture of life" line of bull is misplaced compassion to compensate for the guilt, which comes with the senseless killing in Iraq where hundreds of thousands of civilians have been killed and more on the way. Our misconduct of this war threatens to destroy the honor of our great Army by implementing deliberate policies of torture that are making American soldiers no better then Nazis. We don’t need cruel and unusual punishment. As American’s raised under the 5th and 8th Amendments of our Constitution, we should not even allow this under any circumstance. We don’t need our leaders to change America because of terrorism. Americans should demand that leaders who condone torture, trample civil liberties, and conduct illegal wars based on their lies leave America and find a country more to their liking. The honorable treatment of POW’s and respect for the reasons that make America more an idea than a country used to be how we gained respect from the enemy, and won wars in the past.

"I well remember how I stole the light & it became fire consuming. Thou knowest

me not O’ Urizen Prince of light. And I know thee is his the triumph, this the

Godlike state that lies beyond the bounds of Science in the grey obscure. Terrified,

Urizen heard Orc now certain that he was Luvah, and Orc began to organize a serpent

body despising Urizen’s light & turning it into Flaming fire. Receiving as a poisond cup

receives the Heavenly wine and turning affection into fury & thought into abstraction. A

self consuming dark devourer rising into the heavens. Urizen, envious brooding sat &

saw the secret terror flame high in pride & laugh to scorn the source of his deceit."

The Four Zoas Night the Seventh

Plate 80:38-50

So Orc, the younger upstart God of William Blake’s religious vision takes the light from the moral God Urizen, and turns that light into fire. On the card, the children of Urizen spiral into the winds of Urizen’s hair until dumped into the flames of Orc like victims of the recent hurricane Katrina. We are beginning to suffer for the unwise decisions of the past by this government and the people who voted us in this direction.

On Saturday February 20, 2005 writer/legend Hunter S. Thompson evidently killed himself while on the phone with his wife of the last couple years. This happens around the time a White House scandal occurs exposing one of the White House press regulars to be not Jeff Gannon the bit-too-Bush-friendly reporter but actually James Guckert the internet prostitute of $200.00 an hour for homosexual favors. The Jeff Gannon version had exclusive access to the White House for well over a year before this is found out about him by diligent Internet bloggers. This politically damaging event bears resemblance to another fly-by-night scandal with the Reagan/Bush Presidency when the June 29, 1989 issue of the Washington Times featured the headline, "Homosexual prostitution inquiry ensnares VIPs with Reagan, Bush. ‘Call boys’ took midnight tour of Whitehouse." This scandal lived on as the diligent investigations of Senator and attorney John DeCamp, (NE,) which resulted in a documentary featuring facts and interviews with victims of a secret male prostitution ring out of the Jesuit ran Boy’s Town of Nebraska. This prostitution ring found its way into the halls of the privileged and government all the way up to the White House. This resembles the type of above the law mischief of the cryptic Yale Scull and Bones fraternity whose members are well represented by card-carrying member President Bush as well as many members of his cabinet. There is also a dot to draw to Bohemian Grove in California where prominent politicians and aristocrats like Dick Cheney have yearly pilgrimages to, in order to perform strange pagan rituals to a statue of owl god Molak or some other old Sumerian god. One of the victims of the documentary of John DeCamp’s investigation called, "Conspiracy of Silence", mentions a snuff film made at Bohemian Grove where unspeakable things were done to two boys and a girl as well as unthinkable things to each other. The whole event was filmed and among the people attending this event allegedly was Hunter S. Thompson who was picked up in Vegas before they flew to Bohemian Grove in California. The finale of the film was when one of the perpetrators shot one of the violently raped boys in the head before making the other boy and girl continue to have sex with the corps. Believe it or not, I’ve left out the gory details. It wouldn’t be out of character for Hunter S. Thompson to infiltrate this secret prostitution ring of the rich and privileged whom Thompson loved so much to rant against. It could have been Gonzo Journalism in action where Hunter often joined the subjects of his writings like the time he joined the Hells Angels who he wrote about first hand while on really good drugs. Drugs were an important part of Gonzo Journalism, and it’s also hard for this writer to imagine our libraries not filled with books written with the help of marijuana. It could be that this example of Gonzo Journalism was silenced by the untimely violent death of this great American writer at the hands of those not wanting the male prostitute snuff film story to come out. All of this revolves around the Air Force Base in Omaha Nebraska where this prostitution ring was run from. This story experienced a glimpse of daylight when the Franklin Savings and Loan in Omaha went bankrupt during the nation wide Savings and Loan scandals of the first Bush train wreck administration. We are still to this day paying for that Bush swindle with our tax dollars as we will with this Bush’s Iraq war to say the least. This all becomes very curious when reminded that on September 11, 2001, when Bush finally finished his children’s book, and boarded Air Force One, the very first place he flew to was the Air Force Base in Omaha Nebraska.

Something "they" are doing is squandering the US Treasury to a crippling point. Aside from National Guard and Reserve troops fighting a war for the last couple of years in Iraq where they can’t assist in their first duty of helping during national catastrophes here at home like Katrina. Bush also had funding cut to repair the levees in New Orleans so this catastrophe wouldn’t happen. Now it has happened and the bloated Homeland Security bureaucracy that swallowed and dismantled FEMA, fails to quickly respond, and probably thousands are now dead in America as a result. They are still working on the casualty numbers, which are handled by the same company counting our Iraq casualties, which frankly leaves it doubtful that we will have an accurate count from a damage control propaganda obsessed Government. This hurricane has now done more damage then any band of terrorist thugs could dream of doing and FEMA assists by turning away trucks of supplies for hurricane victims from people who really do care. Its even come out that Michael Brown, who has resigned in disgrace over his incompetence as FEMA director, held up trucks of supplies until the corporation he chose to provide trucks got their trucks ready for response, which took over a week. Displaced survivors are locked in the Superdome to starve, while victims on rooftops of the flooded city are promised rescue for days while they waste away. Iraq has clearly not made us safer in light of natures yearly attack. What is our reaction going to be now that nature and hurricane Katrina have turned the famous American City of New Orleans into Baghdad? We brought ourselves to this when we didn’t at least apply some common sense to outrageous tax cuts for the rich and illegal unjust wars. There is no Truman in Congress to stop this wartime looting either, while a lot of the looters shot in New Orleans by government responders are just trying to eat.

The beard of Urizen on the card also becomes braided and leads to a diagram by William Blake of the four elemental worlds of manifestation. Sitting in this corner of the card is a rendering of Blake’s God Albion who is the father of the British people according to Blake’s book, "Jerusalem." On the card Albion is oppressed by the rising Orc, and is sick.

"Albion is sick! Said every valley, every mournful

hill and every river: our brother Albion is sick to death.

He hath leagned himself With robbers! Envy hovers over

him. His friends Are his abhorrence! Those who devour

his soul, are Taken into his bosom! To destroy his Emanation

is their Intention: Arise! Awake O friends of the Giant

Albion. They have perswaded him of horrible falsehoods! They

have Sown errors over all his fruitful fields!"

"Jerusalem" Chapter 2

Plate 35:10-20

Last year on December 26, 2004 an amazing and unprecedented event happened in the history of planet Earth. An earthquake occurred around the Indonesian island of Sumatra. The official story was that the plates shifted and caused a massive tsunami, which went on to devastate the entire coastline of Asia from Burma, and Sri Lanka to India as well as injuring people as far as the coast of Africa. On the island Sumatra, the official story quickly moved the official epicenter 150 miles to the north. Photos exist that were taken on Sumatra after the earthquake, but before the devastating wave hit. There was no evidence in the photos of earthquake damage such as broken windows or debris at the time of the earthquake. To explain the resulting damage after the wave hit however, the scale of this incredible earthquake was raised to an unheard of scale of 9.0. There is a meteorologist in Australia who monitored a seismograph at the time and he recorded a 6.4 earthquake in the undersea Sumatran trench 150 miles south of the epicenter in the official story. Another strange fact about the 2004 tsunami is that unlike every other 6.4 earthquake in recorded history, there have been no aftershocks from this earthquake at all. There is much speculation about whether an under sea displacement could even cause a tsunami like it did, or whether the Sumatra plates really behave like shifting plates such as at the San Andreas fault. This lends credibility to a theory that what could have caused a wave that big could have been a well placed nuclear bomb at the bottom of the Sumatra trench under sea. Whether this is the true cause of this catastrophe or not could be determined simply by going to the true epicenter. An under sea nuclear explosion is sure to leave behind more compelling evidence. This disaster has killed over 200,000 Muslims and benefited reconstruction contractors with more work now that Iraq has proven irreparable for over paid ineffective contractors in political pockets. If the bomb theory is true, we can find a crater. We can pick up radiation readings. If we did dig up such evidence of nuclear foul play could we be strong enough to face this truth? Who could or would do such a thing? Who wants 200,000 less Muslims in the world? America seems to want to notch its war on Al Qaeda up to the level of Holy War. Even if some secret cult of Blake’s god Orc in America was going to carry that out, it would find a more convenient accomplice in the very nuclear capable and Muslim hating nation of Israel, where bigotry is embraced as a central virtue of this chosen nation. The news recently has reported a Japanese ship in the Pacific that was hit by another boat killing several people. Japan is accusing Israel of this mischief, and they have radar evidence of an Israeli boat in the area that abruptly changed its course after the collision and docked in South Korea. Investigators collected evidence at the South Korea port from the Israeli boat of the collision that included paint, which came from the victimized boat. Israel denies having anything to do with this. It’s hard to imagine Briton to be directly involved in the tsunami bomb even after catching two British solders impersonating insurgents in Iraq. Tony Blair remains in power by the skin of his teeth as a testament to the resiliency of these war criminals in charge. Once Tony Blair leaves office he plans to join the Carlyle Group, which has emerged as an investment group directly benefiting from Bush and the military buildup that is this Presidency. Bush was once a member of Carlyle Group and his father still is. Under extreme political pressure from democracy in Briton, Blair approached this year’s G8 Summit with an agenda to stand up to Bush regarding the dire problem of Global warming, which Bush remains determined to stay clueless about. During this G8 Summit, on July 7, 2005 bombs went off more or less simultaneously in three different locations of downtown London. Soon after the July 7 terrorist attack, Sharm al-Sheik Egypt is also bombed, which is a classic trademark of the supposedly marginalized Al Qaeda. The London bombings of July 7 have already changed to a manhunt for people involved in a failed copy-cat bombing on July 23rd. This appears to be a classic bait-and-switch of the public’s attention on the July 7th bombing, which killed over 80 people. This change of attention to the other terrorist crime with perpetrators still at large has already effectively quieted down attention to conspicuous facts emerging from the aftermath of July 7th. One glaring fact is that the cameras on the tube trains, which were bombed had been turned off during the bombings. Also forensic examination of the wreckage yields evidence that the bombs were placed underneath the trains, and exploded through the floor as opposed to the official story that a suicidal Muslim had an exploding backpack. If only those cameras had been working. Darn! Meanwhile the G8 Summit is spontaneously transformed from a forum on global warming currently melting our polar icecaps with consequences right out of a scary science fiction movie, to a forum on that illusive international menace of terrorism. Tony Blair is forced to leave the G8 Summit and return to London in prompt response to the disaster at home instead of making news standing up to Bush and his American Neo-con agenda. These kind of prompt responses by world leaders to immediate problems at home is peculiar to these foreign leaders while in America such an event wouldn’t have priority over the last couple days of an already embattled (by an anti-war movement,) Crawford Ranch vacation, or even a good children’s book, which on 9/11 the President just needed another 30 minutes or so to finish. In London, the manhunt for the Islamic types who walked on the London subway with faulty backpack bombs and then ran away embarrassed has resulted in scandal. The "official story" is falling apart in light of the facts. An armed anti-terrorist police unit with rarely indulged shot-to-kill orders were following a terrorist suspect and shot him several times on a public England subway in broad daylight. They failed to get away with the argument of resisting arrest, jumping a ticket point, running, and having a thick coat on in summer, possibly to conceal a bomb. It turns out he was a Brazilian tourist who walked on the subway unaware of his followers. After stopping to pick up the paper he walked onto the subway and sat down. He evidently didn’t even have the thick bomb concealing coat. Soon after he sat down he was confronted by police surrounding him while yelling. He stood up raising his hands in surrender when the officer in front of him forced him to sit back down and at point blank range shot Jean Charles de Menezes in the head execution style. This was followed by several other unnecessary shots. This kind of makes policies for increased securities appear self-defeating. We can add this kind of official thug behavior to the agenda set in motion on 9/11, which restricts people’s ability to travel freely. Looks like restricted travel will be a staple of the New World Order. Solving the problem with the problem itself doesn’t seem to be working either. Tax breaks for the rich are not really to stimulate the economy. They are to empower the rich class while at the same time impoverishing the government, and bankrupting the US Treasury. We have allowed people in power to reduce government into something that "can be drowned in a bathtub." Now that bathtub appears to have the tops of buildings in New Orleans poking above the water. The consequences just might be a re-evaluation of the role of government, and how it prioritizes our collective tax contributions from a not-so-rich, but vote-capable majority who still do pay taxes. Money and power are beginning to have a harder time trumping the masses these days. This is a direct result of democracy being a natural side effect of growing populations that dwarf the power hungry. Recently the President of Bolivia resigned over protests of the people demanding nationalization of the oil rich energy industry, as in Venezuela. If that upsets G-d’s friend Pat Robinson then he can rest assured that at least peaceful protests in Uzbekistan are still met with harsh force from police. Hundreds have died in a media-blackened massacre of protesters in Uzbekistan trying to have some say in their dictatorship. Pat’s friend Bush has threatened to use the only veto of his Presidency so far to stop medical breakthroughs in stem cell research as well as a threat to kill a defense spending bill with legislation against torture. How’s that for creating a "culture of life," which he proclaims with a straight face and 100,000 dead innocents in Iraq under his redneck belt? It’s just been found out that the Washington protest this September against the war was exposed to tularemia virus according to discoveries of the bacteria in Washington biohazard sensors setup in the Washington Mall area after the anthrax attacks of 2001. Here is another biological attack on "liberals," which would give a responsible FBI another lead in an anthrax crime investigation that has gone nowhere. Let’s see if this evidence of a similar biological attack by right-wingers gets them anywhere.

This year Cheney appeared at the somber Auschwitz memorial looking somewhat out of place with a hunting jacket on. Just a subtle message to the world and a wink to the Republican racist base. Pat Robertson probably finds the Social Security system to be sinful and offensive in the eyes of G-d. Fortunately for him attempts are currently underway to have Social Security fixed by those who would probably rather just destroy it. Government just wants to wash its hands of responsibility for Social Security in the name of "lesser Government." The plot against Social Security is to erase bond debt, which our Social Security dollars have actually been irresponsibly turned into by an unworthy government. True democracy should not allow this system to ever pay a person a penny less then originally promised. There still are some people down here who are awake for this show of lies and the same old swindle tricks. We are currently being warned of an impending world wide bird flue pandemic. Hard to say this isn’t more than 60% scary story in our New World Order of war and terrorism. If our country was really prepared for unfortunate events of nature like Katrina, and bird flu then how effective would Islamic thugs be with their little bombings and small casualty numbers? Would we not just respond quickly and effectively to that, even to stop such mischief before it strikes as opposed to the blind eye approach that let 9/11 happen? In light of Katrina, it all looks like the big waste of money that the war of terrorism really is. Internet rumors have surfaced that the 17th Street Levee in New Orleans was bombed 7 times during hurricane Katrina in a plot to save the more valuable real estate in the city’s French quarter. Its hard to believe the Neo-cons would be behind something so self-defeating and so sure to cost them politically. Ham radio operators have confirmed facts of communications jamming during this event. They have located the problem possibly from a Navy vessel just off the coast. FEMA has been accused of cutting communications lines, and the local Sheriff who reconnected the lines posted guards to make sure they stayed that way. Katrina is sure to haunt the already lame duck 2nd term of Bush, and justly has already finished the FEMA career of a worthless Bush appointed crony director Michael Brown. Bush just might still spin his way out of this once the next super hurricane of this still young hurricane season occurs.

This card, like the other Christmas card essays of the Secret Gathering of Gnostics is about religion, politics, opinion, and everything, but was specifically intended this year as a tribute to the great mystic/artist/poet of England, William Blake. It’s intended to be an artistic narrative in Blake’s own prophetic style where the actions of the gods are the causes of world events that are the emanations of the eternal onto our temporal reality. William Blake’s life’s work is a testament of his reaction to the Christianity at his time. William Blake wanted a religious system of his own creation in order to not be trapped by the religious system created by someone else. The Christianity of this age, which encourages people to vote for very evil un-Jesus-like war criminals, has devotees who move to Israel in order to assist their racist agenda of running Palestinians off their own land, kills doctors over their legal abortions, wants to rival the distasteful oppression of Islam with a taken over American theocracy, and will do anything Pat Robinson tells them to do, is definitely worthy also of William Blake’s very Gnostic reaction. The self-creation of a religious system is what Gnosticism was all about at the beginning of the age of Pisces. William Blake championed the very human faculty of imagination, which Blake believed to be more than an illusion of a brain’s processes, but to be a real substance eternal by nature with which he shaped his art. This religious self examination may be a needed message to Christianity today when many well intentioned lovers of G-d and the divine are being deceived by the blatant lies of so many very evil, greedy, power hungry anti-Christ servants of mammon. William Blake would probably want to prophesize against this spell cast by our media and the political mischief of a naive Christianity. Creating our own system to not be trapped by a system made by another may be good advice to the future. The world is changing, and doesn’t even know what it’s changing into, but the world just can’t stay the same any longer. The quotes by William Blake are from, "The Poetry and Prose of William Blake" Edited by David V. Erdman 1965, Doubleday & Company.


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