Christmas 2003


Time once again for that yearly work of art and writing affectionately known as the Christmas Card. This year we begin our explanation at the margin, where a herd of cowpeople surround the card. Cowpeople are an artistic allegory that has haunted this artist’s work for many years. This is the first time this enormous herd of bald naked men have appeared on one of these cards. Because they are a herd of cowpeople, it implies another influence that tends to the herd and controls their direction and destiny like ranchers. This makes the margin a metaphor of the lies, intimidation, and manipulation at play in America today to control the masses with the help of a spineless media. We are being terrorized and manipulated into a classic right-wing extremist coup. Of course they have threatened this since Newt Ginrich thought America was at last dumb enough to accept his "Contract With America" idea. On second thought, this not-so-secret anymore agenda seemed to hatch out of the Reagan Administration mischief. No, it’s been going on at least since Nixon. Hell, its been going on since Kennedy no doubt. Let’s face it. This fascist takeover has at least been going on since Hitler. I can’t resist mentioning an obvious inspiration from George Orwell’s, "1984". In these days, the California herd is being manipulated by the radical recall of a democratically elected governor to replace him with a popular movie star who is in bed conspicuously with Ken Ley of Enron. The recalled governor is suing Ken Lay for $9 billion of the money stolen from California ratepayers back in 2001. Now how are they going to pay their $8 billion deficit causing the recall in the first place? This year the President of Venezuela is bringing legal action against the CIA who he believes, tried to kill him a couple months ago. Texas Congress Democrats have resorted to leaving the state to stop unfair redrawing of Congressional Districts to a Republican advantage. The new districts were just drawn recently without a vote. Popular opinion is still trying to make Congress stop an FCC ruling sure to "Big Brotherize" the media like never before. As if people weren’t already having a problem with 8 or less monopolies controlling everything we see or hear on television, radio, magazines, and newspapers. Then there is the USA Patriot Act to finish off our rights and civil liberties, not without at least one television drama to glamorize the new Homeland Security Special Agents, fighting terrorism with the help of the Patriot Act replacing our Constitution. If you are finding the new reality hard to swallow, just give it some more time and you’ll wonder why you ever supported those evil terrorists with criticism of the new Department of Fatherland Security. The anthrax case is apparently unsolvable, because the FBI is useless. Ashcroft is more obsessed with turning us into Nazi Germany then with solving crimes. He would never have got the USA Patriot Act passed in the first place without those handy anthrax letters in the mail to liberals and Democrat Senators. A US citizen on US soil has been declared an enemy combatant on nothing but innuendo, and has been in prison having no contact with anyone at all for over a year. There is also now one American concentration camp called Guantanamo treating hundreds of prisoners like dogs. This Summer, we were all shown, (millions first hand,) how helpless we can become when the largest power outage in our history occurred from Pennsylvania to Ontario Canada. They, to this day can’t pinpoint the cause of a power surge that was so great that the safety measures used to stop the cascading effect didn’t kick in until the surge reached Virginia. It’s a side effect of deregulation and privatization that our country is wired together like this in the first place, ultimately to be at the mercy of a single monopoly of energy tycoons more powerful then the government itself. The Christmas Card of 1997 mentions a similar multi-state power outage occurring from New Mexico to Washington state, 9 states all together. When all was said and done, it got blamed on wet wires around Coulee Dam, but the card had a different hypothesis. The High-Frequency Active Aural Research Project in Alaska can send hundreds of billions of volts of electricity into the atmosphere to bounce off the ionosphere, and be received thousands of miles away. One technician who monitored the East Coast electric grid during this summer’s outage, described a surge of electricity traveling across the grid toward Ontario Canada. He thought a power generator must have failed just before the lights went out on half of America’s East Coast and Canada. I was able to verify on the Internet that the H.A.A.R.P. in Alaska was turned on at the exact same minute that the greatest power failure in human history occurred. Now who are the terrorists really? Maybe we’ll never win the war on terrorism as long as these elusive terrorists are really controlling our own government. The complicity of the governments 9/11 failure keeps piling up as congressional testimonies by FBI agents become public, accusing superiors of stifling investigations as if those superiors were on the other side in this so called war on terrorism. Most of those superiors got promoted. The herd is being bullied into our country’s fascist phase by people who don’t give a crap about anyone making less than $50,000 a year. They demonstrate indifference to their constituents and are pissing off the whole world not to mention also the military solders they expect to go out and carve America’s first Empire.

As our life expectancies continue to collectively increase, you would expect the world would start behaving less like children. We may have had an excuse back when people were lucky to see the age of 40. We probably were ran by a bunch of stupid kids back then, but now we aspire to see 100 years and the world has collectively thrown off old superstitions to embrace the adult mind. We shouldn’t be falling for war, the oldest trick in the book. Since Hitler, it has been known that a nice distracting war is a handy political devise to use when making sweeping changes to a country and its constitution. Last August a Palestinian Journalist, Mazen Dana was in Iraq on assignment to investigate bodies being buried in the desert by US troops. He made major news, but not with that story. In broad daylight a passing Bradley fighting vehicle drove up and a US soldier shot Mazen Dana dead. Rumor has it that the mass grave was being filled by our soldiers with dead US troops who were recruited from an Army program that targeted illegal immigrants that were offered US citizenship in exchange for military service, and then they were used as cannon fodder. Whether that rumor is true or not has nothing to do with being taken aback by how cheap the value of human life has become in America. This is probably about to be underscored by the irony of a coming heroine epidemic to sweep our country swifter then the Reagan/Bush era crack party. The Taliban, early in 2000 destroyed the Afghanistan poppy crop in an act of economic warfare cutting the world off of 70% of its Heroine. Those seeing a good thing here aren’t understanding that big corporations had been padding their cost-to-earnings statements with laundered drug money. Afterwards, two missing harvests later Enron, with lots of money in the Cayman Islands where no oil wells exist, goes bankrupt. Corporations are given till a date in the future to restate their cost-to-earnings statements if the numbers were wrong before, or they may be facing possible prosecution. The real winners in Afghanistan at this point are the poppy farmers now free of Taliban oppression, thanks to the CIA now returning to the job of making sure Afghan drug money finds its way to Wall Street. It may be a coincidence that we will be manipulated by this new "drug problem" during the Presidency of one loyal to his old Yale fraternity, the infamous Scull and Bones, which was started at the birth of this country by a kingpin of the opium trade. This President is assuming the power and impunity of a king, which alone should be impeachable enough. This President doesn’t even care about winning the war, because his mission has always been about starting this "War on Terrorism." That should shed a new light on the "Mission Accomplished" sign over his head during the now infamous aircraft carrier speech. There hasn’t been a post war plan for Iraq although the corporate supporters who paid for this presidency will now benefit from the quagmire. We are in the middle of a greedy looting of our two countries with billions of no-bid contracts going to Vice President Cheney’s Halliburton, while they accomplish close to nothing, and the resistance to the OCCUPATION grows stronger. The soldier riding a horse represents this war on the card. The horse has a face like a lion breathing fire and sulfur. This image is taken from Revelations 9:13-21, when the sixth angel blows his trumpet and four angels bound at the great river Euphrates are released to kill a third of mankind. The number of troops is twice ten thousand times ten thousand or 200,000. We currently have only around 180,000 troops with more to come. I couldn’t help but notice that Rumsfield, who ran the war on the cheap, was at first religiously trying keep it at 144,000, but his interpretation of the bible might not be correct. Verses 17 of Rev. 9 says, "And this is how I saw the horses in my vision; the riders wore breast-plates the color of fire and of sapphire and of sulfur, and the heads of the horses were like lions heads, and fire and smoke and sulfur issued from their mouths." This part of the Bible was used this year because it takes place in Iraq, where the Euphrates meets the Tigris, and also the colors of fire, sulfur, and sapphire happen to be red, white, and blue. The fire and smoke from the horse’s mouth represents our country bombing the rest of the world silly. In Iraq, our soldiers plead that they are not trained to be police. They are doing a terrible job of it too, and Iraqi citizens are being randomly killed every day by twitchy US soldiers. The horses in the Bible passage also had tails that were serpents intended on this card to represent what shall now come back to bite us. Although much is documented in the last war about the effects that Depleted Uranium Munitions had on solders, Iraqis, and children of solders and Iraqis, we still used them gratuitously in this war. The consequences shall soon become known. The body count of Americans is over 300 and growing every day, while there are 1,200 or so who are wounded. These two numbers now become eclipsed by 6000+ non-combat injuries. All we get to know are the numbers, but among those 6000+ are victims of a strange pneumonia, rashes on solders around Baghdad Airport where lots of DUM were used. One quarter of the 200,000 solders in the first Gulf war are still suffering from Gulf War Syndrome, and avoiding it this time would be a statistical miracle if not an Orwellian one. The army already concedes that many health issues may be caused by the anthrax inoculations shoved down our solder’s throats despite major protest. At times it seems like this war is being fought with lies themselves, and its become well known that this administration lied their asses off to get us into this mess. It could be interpreted that the third of mankind being killed is the third of the world represented by the religion of Islam. The 4 angels released in Revelation Chapter 19 are represented by the fixed astrological symbols on the card’s doorway. They represent "the hour, the day, the month, and the year" of this event. Perhaps a year will be the duration of our stay in Iraq.

This nightmarish vision on the card remains an illusion of the world of appearances, existing outside the Door Of Everything. "The Door of Everything", is a book of channeled gnosis by Ruby Nelson. The writer was into eastern philosophy and wrote the book as a means to realizing her own truth. I shall now use many points in this book to help us through the Door. G-d has being through us and also visa versa. According to the book, thoughts and feelings are living forces, which create a superimposed imperfection on true reality. Reality on the other hand remains perfect as G-d originally made it. We become victims of our own misinterpretations, while our subconscious becomes conditioned by the past. We need to learn to stop this miss-thinking and empty the surface mind in order to come through this door to accept that you are created in the image of G-d. G-d stands at this door and knocks at the summit of consciousness to free us from illusion. To bring others through this door to union with G-d, we shall first plant the seed of the second birth. The separation between human and divine is an illusion caused by ignorance, mass hypnosis, and mind control. The master plan of the self will be revealed after the seed of truth is planted. When you receive this seed, remember that you are only the farmer cultivating the seed, for it is G-d who causes the growth. Your divine potential is as radically different from you as an apple is to an apple seed. The surface mind or ego isn’t intended to really be the center of consciousness. The true center within controls body functions, while the surface mind stays distracted. It’s easy to believe in G-d, but we still invest our faith in things like poverty to remain poor and trouble to realize our fears. This kind of imperfection becomes a sub-created web held before the light of G-d to cloud our vision from seeing true reality. The way to empty the mind and come through the door is to attain total stillness in order for the Holy Spirit to lift you through the door. Perfect this stillness till nothing disturbs the surface mind, is the final step toward the "flash of lightening", when G-d sets us free and our vibration is increased, transmuting us into light.

This brings us on the card through the Door of Everything to the Grand Cosmic Being representing the seed of the Tree of Life. Beneath the surface mind is the submerged mind containing divine wisdom and other forms of "sunken treasure", waiting to be realized by us when the seed begins to grow the tree. The book, "Door of Everything", which inspired this year’s gnosis uses Jesus as an example of the Cosmic Being who is our potential. His vibration was quickened. He was master of his body in charge of every cell. It may be that old age is a side effect of our failure to take charge this way of our cells, which are being relinquished by a submerged mind becoming more submerged beneath an inflating ego. The Tree of Life is a system of categorizing the nature of reality and the soul. As above so also below. The soul is the nucleus of the sacred seed. Your body is the seed itself, freeing the divine in death. Superimposed on and above our Cosmic Being are four Tree of Life diagrams representing the Tree of Life in each of the four worlds. Learning this tree’s design is the planting of the seed, nurtured by our experience of reality and understanding of the Kabballa. The tree of the material world known as Assiah is represented by the outer world around the man. In his right hand is a cup representing the sephiroth Netzech (victory) and our desires. Chesed or Mercy, represented by the Gnostic moon symbol with the female from within, fills the cup from above. This is the subjective effect of the universe on the self. In his other hand is a sword representing Hod (glory) and the rational, which pierces into the Gnostic sun symbol of Geburah or Severity. This represents the objective effect of the self on the universe. Blood spills from severity to the ground on the objective side of the tree. Between Mercy and Severity, the Cosmic Being forms the middle pillar with a Moon in Yesod (foundation), and the Sun in Tephiroth (beauty). Above all this, the higher sephiroth of the material tree of Assiah are in a triangle symbol with the top point in Kether (crown), the highest sephiroth on the tree. Chokmah (wisdom) and Binah (understanding), are represented by the profile of a male head as the inner animus and the female head as the inner anima, which are explained in Carl Jung’s psychological theories of analytical psychology.

The next tree of life is in the formative world of emotion called Yetzirah with its bottom sephiroth, Malkuth rooted in the Sun (Tiphiroth) of the material tree of Assiah. This Yetzirah tree grows from the heart when we study to learn about the Tree of Life. The Yetzirah tree is in front of the head of the man because it represents the knowledge of the tree that allows the Cosmic Being to recognize the tree where it appears in the material world. A unicrucial hexagram is around the Tiphiroth of this tree symbolizing the concept of microprosopus, just as the hexagram behind him joins the sephiroth of the tree of Assiah around the central Sun, symbolizing macroprosopus. Above the tree of Yetzirah is the tree of the next world of thought called Briah inside the supernal triangle of the Assiah tree. This is the creative world of mind where the serpent of wisdom maneuvers the 32 paths of the Tree of Life until ultimately encountering the fourth tree of life in the form of a lightening bolt. The Holy Spirit is an ever-flowing river filling the entire cosmos. You must be born of spirit and understand that this life force ties all things together. True freedom is found as we live our lives in this life force of G-d within us. We can become this "Grand Cosmic Being" right here while we are alive. The book points out that a caterpillar can only become a butterfly while it is alive. A dead caterpillar will always remain a caterpillar. According to "The Door of Everything", cosmic rays are the master element. Science has documented that these rays traveling throughout the universe are colliding with our atmosphere at unimaginable speeds. The resulting fission with other atoms has caused the creation of substance through a quantum theory effect science is beginning to understand. As we learn to control the phenomenon of cosmic rays we develop the science of miracles themselves. We are made of spirit as opposed to the dust of the Earth where the body returns. Because we are spirits, we should embrace the idea of everlasting life. The sciences we develop from the miracle of fusion technology will one-day replace the crude fission technologies that are a miss-use of power by splitting atoms. What G-d has joined let no man tear asunder.

We have within us the potential to become immortal. According to our book, "Endocrine hormones are life giving, balancing, and altering proteins equipped to change us from mortal to immortal". As we master the still mind, one buried treasure from the submerged mind awakens in our second birth as the pineal gland, our all-seeing, all knowing eye of the soul. The Grand Cosmic Being we then become will see a wider range of the light spectrum and walls will become more transparent. When we are joined to that which is immortal, we will become immortal. The last and greatest evil to be removed is Death, when the earth vibration is overcome and we are transmuted into light. This is our potential according to "The Door of Everything", and we represent it by the bolt of lightening also understood kabbalistically as the descent of divine genius, when the aspirations of the serpent through the paths on the Briah Tree of Life (mind) are rewarded with attainment. This tree of the archetypal spiritual world of Atziluth proceeds from the mouth of G-d on the Yin/Yang symbol representing the flux of the universe. In time the cultivation of the tree gives birth to a living truth within, ultimately to bear fruit. The lightening bolt tree also in its decent from Kether, lights the seven lamps of the Sun, Moon, and five visible planets that influence us. Beyond these visible planets is the planet Uranus, too far away to see with the naked eye. The same card that announced the H.A.A.R.P. information also documented the planet Uranus being dignified in Aquarius, which it rules. The seven years of the dignity of this planet of explosive revolution are ending this year. I must say it has been some explosive years beginning with the Oklahoma City bombing to the depleted uranium quagmire of today. As above so below. The stillness we practice quickens our consciousness and spiritualizes the chemistry of our cells until the lightening flash represents the moment of our second birth. Once we realize our union with G-d on this side of the door we realize that the separation itself was the real illusion seen by an egocentric surface mind. The door itself is an illusion used to create this separation as well as a devise to bring us back through to true reality. On this side of the door, everything is one and everything is love.

This leaves one more thing on the card to explain. Three figures on the far right are rising out of the ground with arms raised. They represent the doctrine of resurrection long regarded by the religious as a coming event in our future. The book used for inspiration on this card describes a type of resurrection we should all be able to aspire to and attain. These truths also however, go hand in hand with our development as a species and may also predict a collective event in evolution’s future. Religion has been evolving from the animal sacrificing early endeavors regarded today as pagan. Buddha comes on the scene around 300 BC to introduce mankind to an easier path to salvation or liberation than the thousands of lives required by an earlier Hindu understanding. Jesus then comes to introduce the concept of salvation by grace as opposed to the stricter requirements of Judaism. This is a side effect of our evolution, and the resulting technological developments of the present age along with our soaring life expectancies shall soon bring us to an even higher plateau in our physical and spiritual evolution. We live in a time when immortality is a scientific feasibility. One current line of research is attempting to learn how to reprogram our very cells to remain our youthful self instead of changing us to the older version of our selves. The Bible’s description of the resurrection describes the dead in Christ rising first and then we who are alive shall be brought up to be with Christ. This could be describing a collective realization of our union with G-d, while the dead in Christ are the memories of all our past lives rising to the consciousness of our higher evolved minds. Perhaps we shall attain such a state of mind when we begin living a couple hundred years per lifetime. Another factor contributing to our collective evolution is our booming populations. Democracy is catching on in the world, more because people are finding their voice in growing numbers than because our so-called "democracy" bombed them and took their resources. The people will be heard in the world whether the un-auditable Diebold computer voting machines really count our votes or not. Sovereignties know this and are scrambling in a panic to bring more oppressive control on us as well as orchestrating world war three to keep us distracted. A grass roots movement of the masses here and around the world has occurred in solidarity against the war crimes that America just committed. Our growing numbers shall one day make borders obsolete in the New World Order being planned by nature itself. Our evolving collective maturity will make war obsolete as true democracy makes itself heard in the world. Who knows, maybe then even a new Heaven and a new Earth will manifest for all of us to live our resurrected lives in, forever in peace. First we will need to rise above the herd.

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