The Camel Journey: A Poem.

This is an astral journal affectionaltly known as a Camel Jouney. A Camel Jouney consists of a representation of the Physical or Material act which astrally takes the form of a light body. This is the body shape in each drawing. The drawings are the impressions of the events in astral form which give form to the mentle landscapes that physical perceptions cast light upon. In each episode a camel is represented as the guide, vehicle, and essence of the method that forms a link with the inner cerebral universe where we all reside. The significance of a camel is Kabbalistic and should require no further explanation.

Camel Journey One: Wandering Wastelands again

Camel Journey Two: Looking for the Medulla Oblongotta Gate

Camel Journey Three: The Medulla Oblongotta Gate

Camel Journey Four: Where the Camel Waters Wonder Under the Moon

Camel Journey Five: Drowning in the Agony called Love

Camel Journey Six: Lost in Black Broken Shades

Camel Journey Seven: Riding the Blood on a Chariot of Crank

Camel Journey Eight: Jailed

Camel Journey Nine: Drowning in the Wasteland Again

Camel Journey Ten: Remembering a Lover's Face in the Rains of Dharana

Camel Journey Eleven: Visions Just Outside of View

Camel Journey Twelve: The First Symbol

Camel Journey Thirteen: Pornographic Mirage

Camel Journey Fourteen: Vision of Temperance

Camel Journey Fifteen: Falling in Waters of Emotion

Camel Journey Sixteen: The Left Hand Path

Camel Journey Seventeen: The Skies of the Wasteland

Camel Journey Eighteen: The Symbol of Deliverence

Camel Journey Ninteen: Vision of Music Shapes

Camel Journey Twenty: Leaving the Wasteland

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